Wednesday, 16 April 2014

We were all born very foolish

I was born very foolish. You, yes you, were born very foolish.  King Solomon said, 'Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child'. It is the responsibility of the child's parents (or foster parents) to take out some of the foolishness. ( I said 'some' because no one can take out all the foolishness in a child's heart). How will parents who themselves retain much of the childhood foolishness help to rid a child of much of the foolishness? The child raised by such parents has the task of ridding himself of some of the foolishness his parents should have helped with.
We are somewhat disturbed when a young man/woman manifests a level of foolishness that is expected from a younger child. Everyone of us still carries about some of that childhood foolishness. However the degree varies. I dare say that your success in life is determined by how much you have ridded yourself of the childhood foolishness.
 The process of departing from childhood foolishness is a path we all must take to attain maturity(wisdom) whether we had a great headstart with our parents or not.
Note: Now that you are grown you can't keep laying the responsibility for your foolishness at your parents' doorstep.

Friday, 11 April 2014


Why would I save to buy a typewriter to use to produce documents? Why would I study Secretarial Studies at an age when everyone can now easily produce documents they need? Why would I make huge investments to set up keyboard and mouse production line? Why would I think the smarter child is the one who does better in Mathematics? Why would I put pressure on my child to join a profession because such was considered when I was his age, the profession of the higher social class? Why would I make huge sacrifices to acquire a skill that increasingly has no more problems to solve?

The reason I would do any of the above is because I lack understanding of the times; it is because I have refused to attempt to detach my thinking from the mob worldview—social mirror; it is because I don’t understand relevance.; it is because I have not prudently studied the connection between my activities and their results; it is because I assume I can be busily involved in any kind of activities while thinking that somehow they will just result in the consequences I desire.
Sometimes, relevance is a very individual concept. Things I do that amount to relevance for me might not amount to relevance for you. Your destination determines relevance for you!