Monday, 10 February 2014

Foundations of Effectiveness

Effectiveness is not efficiency. Most times, effectiveness has within it efficiency but they are different. It has been said that efficiency is doing things right while effectiveness is doing the right thing. Effectiveness is focused on accomplishing the objective. It is not just doing things. It is not just being busy. It is not even being a hardworking person. It is getting what should be done done sustainably. We need effectiveness personally, in families, in business organizations, in government, in every human endeavour. The obvious consequence of ineffectiveness is WASTE, WASTE, WASTE!

Effectiveness is founded on these 3 principles:

·        Purpose—there must be a purpose. Trying to achieve effectiveness without a purpose is like trying hard to score a goal when the goal posts are down. It is purpose that defines effectiveness. Therefore, to be effective individuals, organizations, groups must have purpose.

·        Long term perspective—effectiveness cannot be disconnected from a view of life that goes beyond the now. The farther you sight, the more effective you will be.

·        The Whole (Holistic view)—being holistic in view refers to a kind of outlook that sees the whole and the relationship between the parts. There is an unmistakeable interconnectedness in life. This means that progress in one aspect usually affects progress in other areas. The same way decline in one area affects other parts. The effective individual is aware of this and uses his resources with prudence.